Competitive Robot Testimonials |
Jason Bardis - The infamous Battlebot Dr. Inferno |
 | John Sylvester, UK Robot Wars |
Brull - Prometheous. Note blue RDFR along left edge of picture. |  |
 | Bertocchinni - BIOHAZARD. The winningest Battlebot ever, with RDFR controllers! A very early picture. |
Alan Gribble - PussyKats. Very successful UK Robot Wars. |  |
 | Alan Gribble's PussyKat against the Razor in the UK R.W. |
Lisa Winters - Tentomushi. Used undersized RDFR with incredible effectiveness. Motor gearing was right! |  |
 | Brady Davis - Team XS and Steel Reign |
"Let's call Vantec about the warranty" |  |
 | D.D- Team D "Our killer 55 lb. robot with a ... RDFR36E heart swept like a tornado through the BotBash 2000... and came in class" |
Gregory Yabkowski - Team Mad Cow. Check out the blue RDFR mid-pix. |  |
 | Jim Smentowski - Hercules. Better name Hurt-cules! |
Kevin Berry - Team Legend. Chupacabra. Got a nicely discounted controller for showing off the Vantec sticker. |  |
 | Lindsey - Chew Toy |
D.D "NO problems with our two 36E controllers! ...won three fights in the superheavies (using) 10 1/2hp drill motors." |  |
 | Robert Pitzer - Alpha Raptor. " performed awesome and so did it's RDFR33 even though.. thrown... by the BattleBox saws." |
Tony Buchignani - Wedge of Doom |  |
 | Mike Regan - Vicious. Vantec's Tony did special 170 mi delivery to Mike. Thanks Tony. |
Stephen Felk - early under construction pix |  |
 | Scott Ferguson - HexaDecimator. |