reverse chronology
Explored R/C single chip sound system. Tasks: Software
sound file compressor, decompressor, uproc program, PWBoard, prototype.
Re-designed control board for RDFR3n/4n series for
newer processor, SMT parts, enhanced current limit. Tasks:
all design aspects.
Developed integrated controller for Video Quad to
work with KeyKoder output plus OnScreenDisplay of robot parametrics,
fits inside Quad. Tasks: sales, circuit and management of design.
Revised RDFR2n control board to new uproc.
Tasks: Board layout
Design of very near field RF link compatible with PCM
receivers. Tasks: all design aspects
Moved company to Oregon headquarters
13 watt Power Audio module and Power Supply to fit
inside battery compartment of Motorola HandieTalkie. Tasks:
Mechanical fitting, circuit design, PWBoard design.
Amplifier Y connector. Tasks: design
Design four channel Analog to ServoCommandPulse
interface. Tasks: all design aspects
Re-designed CDFR
computer commanded motor speed controller with all new package and interface. Tasks:
sales and management of design.
Controllers for chair-on-wheels "downtown" in TV Nissan
Auto advirtisement.
Robots with Vantec controllers win First in three classes in Robot Wars
Movie "Eddie" Airworks blimp with Vantec controllers
Movie "Waterworld", Vantec controller for menacing fins.
Consumer Hitchiker version of PCM Keykoder as a snap-on addition of 16 or 32 on-off channels, half with servo
outputs, for popular Futaba PCM R/C systems. Tasks: sales, management and design for
proprietary product line.
Bomb Disposal 29 and 44 channel KIK29 & KIK44 Keykoder Radio/Control systems. Adaptation of
economical system to include more channels, secure and identified transmitter, and
ruggedized packaging. Custom IC design. Tasks: sales, management and design
for proprietary product line.
Deciphered Futaba PCM1024 code, developed compatible code expansion
scheme for our Keykoder product line. Tasks: manage and assist engineering team.
Radio/Control commanded Bully Servo Amplifier to facilitate construction of monster servos.
Tasks: sales, management and design for proprietary product line.
Promotional Blimps by Airworks, using Vantec controllers. Used by NBA
teams including the Chicago Bulls, New Orleans Saints, Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta Hawks.
And Disney.
Barcelona, Spain Olympics - Proprietary Controller for Radio/Controlled
retrieval "race" car. Used to fetch Javelins & Shot Puts.
"Blankman" movie, controller for J5 kluge robot character.
New RDFR product line to update older DFRM Vantec dual speed controllers; microprocessor controlled, up to 120
amps 140VDC 48 FET full-H bridge forward/reverse controllers. Tasks: sales, management, and design for proprietary product line.
"Roboforce" pilot movie for NBC: controllers for miniatures. Proprietary product.
Productized FET version of DFRM submarine 48 FET full-H bridge controller. 1000's sold. Tasks: sales, management, and
design for proprietary product line.
Movie "The Abyss" submarine miniatures: 70 amp 50 volt 48 FET full-H bridge forward/reverse controllers. Tasks: design, build, deliver.
Over-the-Air Pay TV converter with precision frequency control. Tasks:consult, design, deliver several prototypes and documentation package.
Ruggedized adaptation of Pulse Code_Modulated radio control system to add several 12 amp digital functions along with servo command outputs for police robot
applications; KIK20. Tasks: sales, management, and design for proprietary product line.
Dual servo amplifier with mixing for underwater elevons. 7 systems sold. Tasks: sales, management, and design for custom application.
Movie "Winds of War" by ABC Circle Films; Control system for 25 foot submarine. Tasks: sales, management, specify and deliver custom control system for
25 foot long submarine model; and repair system after sub sinking! Won Special Effects Emmy.
Redesign and repackaging of popular Vantec full-H bridge RET-44 speed controller. Tasks: sales,
management and design for proprietary product line.
Receiver system on STD bus card to interface to single board computers in security and nuclear robots. Links robot to remote pilot via RF, IR, or lightweight
cable. Beta tested performing shoreline border patrol via radio. Tasks: sales and design for proprietary product line.
Movie "Short Circuits" robots - supplied back actuator controllers.
Remote radio control transmitter/receiver RPC systems for mobile robots; designed from the ground up; from transmitter joy stick inputs
to receiver servo motor driver outputs. Employs PCM with direct RF FSK and a unique coding algorithm with error detection using CMOS logic. Tasks: sales, management and design
for proprietary product line. Patented.
Computer interfaced Dual Forward/Reverse speed controls for 48 volt 30amp DC PM motors, CDFR. Uses full
H-bridge with patented switching driver. Tasks: sales, management and design for proprietary product line.
Mechanical stepper motor drive system for 20" wide calendered materials. Used in three manufacturing systems. Tasks: sales, mechanical design, and
system integration for customer.
100 Amp peak 48 VDC DC PM motor controller. Tasks: sales, management and design for customer.
Over voltage/Over current reversing controller used in surface powered underwater vehicles. Tasks: sales and management for customer.
Experimental electronic automotive power steering controller. Tasks: management and design for major Detroit customer.
Digital servo loop control system for centrifuge casting machine. Two sold. Tasks: sales, management, and assisted design for customer.
Analog dual speed control used with joysticks on wheelchairs. Tasks: design for customer.
Digital keypad and receiver to expand conventional PPM radio control systems by 12 channels; original Keykoder. 100's sold. Tasks: sales, management, and design for proprietary product
Automated PROM programmed tester for production evaluation of complex radio remote controlled automobile alarms. Three systems sold. Tasks: sales, management, design, and build for customer.
Tele-operated promotional robot with steering, forward/reverse, articulated arms, head, eyes, nose, magic wand and hat. Included lights and sound system. Tasks: design, and build for own entertainment.
Dual reversible DC motor controller digitally implemented with CMOS logic including mixing of steering and speed commands as required for tank tread operation, original DFRM. Many in promotional robots and
underwater vehicles. Tasks: sales, management, and design for proprietary product line. Patented.
Massive 10 foot scale model of Nordkap ship: control system. Tasks: sales, design, and build for customer.
Start-up production of 150 of the very first radio-linked auto security systems: Tasks: parts procurement, management of production, and test for customer.
Prototype aftermarket IR remote for standard TV's. Tasks: design for customer.
Water-cooled 24 volt 30 amp reversible DC motor controller. 10's sold. Tasks: management, and design for proprietary product line.
Second generation Star Wars R2D2 robot: control system. Tasks: design & build for customer.
Doorlock command module start up production. Tasks: parts procurement,management of production and test of 50 units for customer.
Production machine mechanical refinements and electronic control system for manufacturing machinery for medical culture tubes. Tasks: sales, management, design, and build for customer.
MAXIMIXER analog pulse width mixer for radio control elevons. 100's sold. Tasks: sales, management, and design for proprietary product line.
Infra-red for commanding roof-top pay TV decoders from 250 foot distance. 100's sold. Tasks: design for employer.
Experimental pay TV theft detector using VLF techniques. Tasks: design for employer.
Automatic production tester for sonic alarms. Tasks: design and build for employer.
Automatic production tester for automotive digital tachometer. Tasks: design and build for employer.
Reversing electronic throttle RET4 for DC motors. 1000's sold. Tasks: sales, management and design for proprietary product line. Patented.
Electromagnetic deflection X-Y CRT for heartbeat display. Tasks: sales, design, and build for customer.
Hidden CB antenna. 1000's sold. Tasks: design for employer.Patented.
CB MosFet converter. 390,000 sold. Tasks: design and manufacturing support for customer. Patented.
High efficiency ET3 motor controller with switching type drive. 1000's sold. Tasks: sales, management, and design for proprietary product line. Patented.
10-15KW dielectric heat sealer production lines; three systems to manufacture popular plastic hospital idenification bands. Tasks: sales, management, and design of manufacturing mechanical layout,
frame structure, stepper motor roller assembly and CMOS control system for customer.
Custom R/C transmitter with 8 analog plus 15 digital channels on 53 MHz. Op amp linear encoding, plug-in programming with mixing and modular RF transmitter. Tasks: design and build.
Experimental 1-300 MHz spectrum analyzer. Tasks: design and build for self.
Analog coreless motor servo and control system for R/C boat. Tasks: design and build for self.
1000 amp trade show demonstrator for a telephone cable ground bonding device. Tasks: design for employer.
Telephone system products. Tasks: marketing management including application notes, sales training kits, trade show booth coordination and product publicity releases for employer.
10 MHz FM remote control rudderless twin screw boat directed by differential speed steering. Tasks: design and build for self.
Video microfiche information retrieval system using 35 mm slides for experimental two-way cable TV system in El Segundo, California. Similar to the Teletext concept. Tasks: design & build for employer.
Video Frame grabber with addressing capability for cable TV subscriber. Tasks: system integration for employer.
Demonstration Hotel Pay TV system with per-program billing. Tasks: sales, design and build for employer.
Cable TV 100 KiloBaud FSK data modems and error test set. Tasks: design for employer.
Experimental cable TV linked electrical power consumption meter reader. Tasks: design for employer.
FCC C-TAC Cable TV advisory committee member for employer.
Digital cassette tape terminal including mechanical transport and IBM compatible TTL electronics. Tasks: management, design for employer.
Military airborne "ticker tape" printer. 1000's sold. Tasks: management and design for employer. Design included aluminum casting, plastic paper cassette, and stepper motor paper path design in
addition to the usual electronics. Printer interface buffers for US Navy. Tasks: design for employer.
Experimental electrochemical Hydrazine rocket fuel leak detectors. Tasks: design for employer.
IBM/Univac memory interface unit. 10's sold. Tasks: design packaging for employer.
Satellite ranging SSB tone generator/detector system. Three were sold. Tasks: management and design improvements for employer.
Hard disk drive systems. Tasks: technician for employer.
Automation controls for custom nail collator to manufacture nail gun cartridges. Two systems sold. Tasks: sales, management, design and build for customer.
20 MHz clock module. Tasks: design and build for employer.
Centrifuge mounted 72 station military FUZE tester. Tasks: management, design and on-site installation for employer.
Professional audio recording limiter. Tasks: design packaging for employer.
Extruding measuring and cutting system. Two sold. Tasks: design and build for customer.
Acetate folding machine with stepper motor drive, forming heaters and discrete component logic. Tasks: sales and design including mechanics for customer.
10KW heat sealer automation controls with silicon discrete logic. Tasks: sales, management, and design for customer.
Automation of vacuum forming machines. Three controllers built. Tasks: sales, management, and design for customer.
Mark 46 torpedo. Tasks: technician for employer.
25 watt PNP germanium PA amplifier. Tasks: design and build for customer.
Successfully modified an abandoned automatic ID bracelet production machine for employer.
Automated existing 6KW dielectric heat sealer with germanium transistor logic and relays, "RFI challenged". Refurbished RF section for employer.
Wireless microphone and receiver for church PA use. Tasks: design and build.
Prior to 1962 as a hobby...
3A5 super-regenerative walkie talkies on 6 meters.
50mw 6 meter transmitter using germanium drift field transistor.
6 meter vacuum tube amateur transceiver from surplus, 2E26 final amplifier.
40 meter to broadcast band autodyne converter using early Philco RF surface barrier transistors.
6L6 "neighborhood" AM broadcast band transmitter.
Vacuum tube Hi-Fi.
Radio/Control Steamboat with tube receiver. |