Other Neat Projects
 | Ingersoll, scratch built from pix. Even has gears. Genuine towing power for plane model. |
A. Ingersoll, neatly burried R/C with Vantec RET411P speed control. |  |
 | J. L. in California built this electric powered 7 1/2" gauge locomotive. |
J.L used a RFR825 to control this "pulling" locomotive. |  |
 | Terry Coss - Newburg High School, OR. They have been takling a new robot project every couple of years and winning educational fares. R/C designs have used Vantec Keykoder radio and RDFR speed controls. |
College project, Canada. |  |
 | Virginia Tech. "Calvin" entered '96 autonomous competition and placed 1st. Vantec RDFR36E for speed control and an RET411P for steering. |
One of the many garage hobby R2D2. Old Vantec DFRM controls. |  |
 | Joe Camp made this older robot with on-board video to surveil his property. Used DFRM controller, a predessor to the RDFR speed controller. |